San Pedro Creek
Restoration, Bank Stabilization and Fish Passage Barrier Removal
Pacifica, California
Client: City of Pacifica
Questa completed a creek restoration and channel bank stabilization plan and provided construction oversight for a 1,600-foot reach of San Pedro Creek. Project components included geomorphic and hydraulic analyses, design of habitat enhancement features and creek restoration, and construction oversight. The
primary goal of the project was to remove a fish migration barrier at the Capistrano Avenue Bridge, where channel degradation had perched the bridge and a historical Denil fish ladder, preventing salmonid migration.
primary goal of the project was to remove a fish migration barrier at the Capistrano Avenue Bridge, where channel degradation had perched the bridge and a historical Denil fish ladder, preventing salmonid migration.
The hydraulic dimensions of the channel were determined through extensive geomorphic analysis. Fill was placed in the degrading channel to raise the invert to the historical base of the bridge. The fill was stabilized by a series of 19 rock and log grade control structures. Rock and over 400 tons of woody debris were added to the system to create salmonid and other diverse aquatic habitat. A new streambed was created utilizing imported rock and gravel material.
Dr. Sam McGinnis conducted construction biological monitoring, focused on protecting steelhead and California red-legged frog. Under Questa’s direct supervision, the project was completed in just over two months and within budget.