Oakland Zoo Knowland Park Master Plan Amendment
Client: Placemakers
Questa provided environmental assistance in Hydrology & Water Quality and Geology & Soils for a proposed amendment to the Oakland Zoo Knowland Park Master Plan. The amended Master Plan utilizes sustainable strategies for new facilities at three unique landscape environments at the zoo: (1) the Historic Park Landscape and Arboretum, (2) the existing Zoological Park, and (3) the area designated for a new California 1820 exhibit, including a new veterinary hospital and new access roads and paths.
Questa’s analysis concluded that collection and detention of flows that historically breached an existing access road and drained from above the hospital site would relieve existing areas of flooding downstream of the project site, and that the revised project would not impact flows in the nearby Arroyo Viejo Creek. Questa also developed BMPs for minimizing potential environmental impacts. The only potential geological/geotechnical impact identified involved the use of non-engineered fill; a design-level geotechnical investigation was proposed. The project resulted in preparation of a Mitigated Negative Declaration.