Cloverdale River Park Improvements and Flood Repair
Client: Sonoma County Regional Parks Department
Cloverdale River Park is located along the Russian River on the northeast side of the City of Cloverdale in Sonoma County. Questa prepared PS&Es for this project for the Sonoma County Regional Parks Department, comprised of two elements: 1) design of recreational and habitat/bank stabilization improvements funded by a River Parkway Grant, and 2) FEMA-funded repair of flood and erosion damage and mitigation against future flood damage. Questa completed geomorphic, hydraulic and biological analyses (including California red-legged frog, western pond turtle, coho salmon, and pallid bat habitat), evaluated, prepared and processed regulatory permit applications, prepared construction improvement plans, CEQA documentation, and an SWPPP, assisted with project bidding, and provided construction monitoring.
Recreation improvements included construction of an ADA-accessible river access ramp and boat portage and parking area, construction of additional picnic sites, construction of ADA-accessible paths, and installation of interpretive panels. Bank stabilization/habitat restoration improvements included removing a portion of the existing eroding levee, restoration of eroded riverbank slopes, bank stabilization and erosion control, and replanting over 300 native tree and shrubs. FEMA stormwater damage repair improvements Included restoration of eroded bank slope using willow mattresses, willow sprigging and cottonwood poles, hydroseeding disturbed areas, replacing irrigation system, replacing river access stairs with a new ADA access ramp and replacing signage and fencing.