Patterson Ranch Planned Community EIR
Client: CirclePoint / City of Fremont
Questa prepared Administrative Draft and Final EIR sections on Hydrology & Water Quality and Geology, Soils & Mineral Resources, including development of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, for a proposed conversion of a 428-acre agricultural parcel to a new neighborhood in Fremont, California. The planned community would include approximately 800 single- and multi-family housing units, 40,000 square feet of commercial space, an elementary school, a religious/spiritual facility, and 51 acres of neighborhood and community parks on 182 acres of the site. The remaining 246 acres of the property would be donated as open space to the East Bay Regional Park District.
Potential hydrology and water quality impacts assessed included:
- flooding from the bay and the potential for levee failure flooding from Line K/Crandall Creek and Alameda Creek
- drainage system impacts
- temporary impacts to water quality from soil loss during construction
- groundwater impacts
Potential geological/geotechnical impacts included:
- loss of sand and gravel mineral resources
- seismicity
- landslides
- soil erosion and loss of topsoil
- geologic unit stability
- expansive and compressible soils