Point Reyes Affordable Housing Project, Point Reyes Station
Marin County, California
Client: EAH
Questa provided storm water, hydrologic, and wastewater engineering services for the Point Reyes Affordable Housing Project in Marin County. The project includes a mix of several small single-family residences, low cost rental units, a small farm, public restrooms and parking facilities, and a small commercial lot. Questa prepared the drainage analysis and design for infiltration drainage and wetland enhancement to minimize development effects on town storm drainage facilities. The infiltration drainage systems included shallow sedimentation-settling basins, infiltrator trenches, and grass infiltration swales for collection, treatment, and subsurface dispersal of runoff from roof downspouts, parking areas, and roadways.
Questa also conducted extensive soil, groundwater, and percolation testing on the site and developed the wastewater facilities in an iterative planning process involving project planner, architects, civil engineer, and public groups. The wastewater facilities include a mix of individual and cluster systems, utilizing a combination of conventional designs, pressure-dosed systems, and mounds. Questa completed cumulative nitrogen loading and groundwater mounding studies to verify the suitability and appropriate development density for the site. Additionally, Questa installed a series of eight deep monitoring wells and completed a hydrogeologic investigation for use in the environmental analysis of the project on local groundwater resources. The Project was constructed in 2004-2005, and Questa provides ongoing monitoring and maintenance assistance for wastewater and stormwater facilities.